Taurus February Crystal Reading

The following descriptions of crystals are from Judy Hall, trained healer and counsellor. Judy has been psychic all her life and has a wide experience of many systems of divination and natural healing methods.

I was born under the sign of Taurus. So if you were, too, here's our crystal reading for February:

Eye of the Storm (Organs/systems—adrenals, kidneys, etheric DNA coding, immune system. Applications—stress, blood pressure, chemo support, cellular healing). A safe haven for your soul, a calm center no matter what upheavals may occur.

Golden Healer (Organs/systems—all, etheric blueprint. Applications—multipurpose master healer for all systems). Imbued with powerful, transformative healing energies.

Purpurite (Organs/systems—cellular memory, cardio-thoracic and circulatory systems. Applications—stamina, bruises, bleeding, pustules, blood purification, regulating the pulse). Grounds high-frequency energy harmonizing the physical body to the new vibration.

These crystals were pulled by WaterBaby Tarot. Her reading is that we Taureans are working through some stuff. We're silent, sad, bummed, disappointed about something. Issues with leadership. It's not negative or aggressive energy, just some wavering in skills or confidence as a leader. Advanced, evolved energy.

Go here for more of WaterBaby Tarot's earth signs reading for February.

Do I know what any of this means? Nope! I'm just going to take it as a sign to keep on working!

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Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. The real proposed healing benefits of crystals predominantly surround areas of mental wellbeing; including feelings of increased tranquility, positivity and focus, as well as enhanced immunity and natural pain relief. over all crystal therapy is best experience
