Artistic Anatomy Part 5: Mouth Muscles I

Links for the previous four parts:

The mouth muscles can be tricky so I've broken them down into three sections (above the mouth, at the mouth and below the mouth). Here's what's above the mouth:

Quadratus labii superioris 
L. quadratus—square-shaped [muscle] + labii—of lip

angular head (levator labii superioris alaeque nasi)
origin: inner margin of orbit
insertion: nasolabial furrow and ala (wing of the nose)
action: raises the ala and upper lip

infraorbital head (levator labii superioris)
origin: lower margin of orbit
insertion: nasolabial furrow
action: raises the ala and upper lip

zygomatic head (zygomaticus inferioris)
origin: zygomatic bone behind the suture
insertion: nasolabial furrow
action: raises the ala and upper lip

And all together now!

Next: the muscles around the mouth.

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