5 Highlights from Seth Godin's "Linchpin"

Do you want to be successful in the new Age of Creativity? Read Seth Godin's "Linchpin" and learn how to make yourself indispensable!

These highlights don't even scratch the surface of Godin's insights. Read the entire book to get the full effect:

1. Stand out. Be remarkable.

2. "It's the art and the insight and the bravery of value creation that are rewarded."

3. Scarcity creates value.

4. Being fearless is essential for being successful in today's economy. "The linchpin feels the fear, acknowledges it, then proceeds."

5. "You must become indispensable to thrive in the new economy. The best ways to do that are to be remarkable, insightful, an artist, someone bearing gifts. To lead. The worst way is to conform and become a cog in a giant system."

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