To Paint Great, Need to See Simply

Photo courtesy of Muddy Colors.

After reading this review at the Muddy Colors blog, I bought a copy of Graphic L.A. by Robh Ruppel, art director, concept artist and matte painter in the film and game industries.

Glad I did!

As someone who's been reluctant to dive into color and painting, this book was an eye-opener.

First, there's very little text. Although I usually like a lot of specific information, I quickly appreciated the sparse and succinct text. By describing his process in short, easy-to-remember blurbs, the lessons are easier to instill and recall.

Second, the art is FANTASTIC! This is a great introduction to Ruppel's work and it made me want to seek out more.

Ruppel has developed an excellent method for seeing values, depth and color and he shares the method with numerous examples of his process.

If you want to learn how to break down the complexity of reality into basic shapes, values and colors, get this book. You'll undoubtedly benefit from it.

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