Fighting the Fear Redux

I have a nasty habit of forgetting lessons learned and then having to re-learn them.

As I've been reading, FEAR is probably the single biggest obstacle to human accomplishment and advancement. And what do I keep giving into?

That's right, FEAR!!

Last year when I was working on my film for the Plympton class, I spent one weekend terrified of drawing. I felt that my drawing was so weak that I just didn't want to sit down and continue doing more weak drawings. I finally faced that fear and successfully completed the film.

But I've let that feeling return. Even after all of the studying and drawing I was doing, I still had this nagging voice in my head telling me that I still suck! So, in order to avoid sucking, I dropped drawing altogether.

I haven't drawn anything substantial for approximately one month, as evidenced by my sparse blogging.

That fear of drawing poorly has infected me again. Even though I know that the more I draw, the better I'll become—I've even seen improvements already—it still isn't enough for me. I still can't help feeling that every line I draw should be brilliant! Where did such ridiculous expectations come from?!?!

I have decided to, once again, face the fears and just sit down and DRAW!

I'll be completing the Nicolaides curriculum Schedule 5 by this weekend (look for the posting of the "Done" schedule) and will have some character designs to show you in two days.

See you then! And keep working!


  1. the difference between success and not is, the successful are AWARE of this fact. you are great, you are a winner, you are fantastic, you are beautiful, you are loved, you are...........

  2. forgot to mention one thing, you are my friend

  3. Thanks, Bill, for your supportive words! They're EXACTLY what I needed to hear.
